Dr. MJ Bazos MD,
Patient Handout
This new worker places the capacity to
balance their work and personal life as critical to their career and job
Savvy organizations
today recognize that one of the most critical factors in attracting and
retaining the new worker is recognizing their employees over committed and
complicated life. This will become an even more pressing concern with the
looming labour shortage.
At the same
time organizations also need to be concerned about the long term impact of long
work hours and stressed out parents on children’s development.
What can employers do to support
work-life harmony for their employees?
- Promote flexible work arrangements - these could
include flexible work hours, compressed work weeks, part-time work or
telecommuting from home to the office.
- Provide discretionary leave - these could be with
or without pay to allow employees to manage the other areas of their life.
- Provide extended maternity/paternity leave, with
or without pay and benefits.
- Start an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) -
help employees cope with stress and to give them information about parenting,
child care and services that are available in the community.
- Improve child care options - help employees find
and pay for high-quality child care through company financial support to
community child care programs; child care subsidy; or on-site child care centre.
- On-site child care centres allow parents to check
in on their children at lunch time and during breaks which promotes peace of
mind for your employees.
- Provide a place at work where nursing mothers can
express and store breast milk.
- Keep some children’s toys and books at
reception for when children must accompany parents to work.
- Offer to pay for child care for an
employee’s sick child - paying for alternative care may cost much less
than losing that employee for the day.
- Encourage managers and executives to live
balanced lives. Reward workers who look after all aspects of their lives
through a variety of incentives such as promotions, special mentions in
newsletters and time off.
- Make the workplace an information center. Invite
community service agencies to give lunchtime seminars, with information and
suggestions on topics such as pre and post-natal support, parenting issues and
Benefits of
Family Friendly-Policies
family-friendly is one of the best investments you can make in your current
- Provide recruitment advantage to attract and keep
top employees your company needs.
- Improve your company’s ability to convince
valuable employees who are on leave to return to work.
- Improve employee motivation and loyalty.
- Improve employee concentration, productivity and
- Reduce lateness and absenteeism by creating a
positive work environment that supports and motivates employees.
- Reduce overheads when telecommuting is an option.
- Is a wise involvement in community relations.
They can help make your company become a recognized community citizen, and that
can be a valuable asset in business.
To think about
"The benefits that matter most to
people are typically the benefits that cost the least."
"Facing the work, family and early child
development challenge is a shared responsibility among government, employers,
communities and families." Website:
Work, Family & Life Consulting Services: www.wso.net/wflWork
and Family Connection: www.workfamily.com