Dr. MJ Bazos MD, Patient Handout

This new worker places the capacity to balance their work and personal life as critical to their career and job satisfaction.

Savvy organizations today recognize that one of the most critical factors in attracting and retaining the new worker is recognizing their employees over committed and complicated life. This will become an even more pressing concern with the looming labour shortage.

At the same time organizations also need to be concerned about the long term impact of long work hours and stressed out parents on children’s development.

What can employers do to support work-life harmony for their employees?

Benefits of Family Friendly-Policies
Being family-friendly is one of the best investments you can make in your current workforce.

To think about
"The benefits that matter most to people are typically the benefits that cost the least."
"Facing the work, family and early child development challenge is a shared responsibility among government, employers, communities and families."

Website: Work, Family & Life Consulting Services: www.wso.net/wfl
Work and Family Connection: www.workfamily.com